A revolutionary platform for people who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The platform comprises real-time arousal monitoring, PTSD management tools including smart adaptive EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) using virtual reality.


Developing an algorithm that automatically triggers the EMDR feature when the patients is at the right level of arousal and adapts EMDR setting to increase eye-tracking adherence. 


A VR scene with EMDR feature and feasibility study with 6 participants

Patient and therapist meet on the platform. Therapist controls what the patient sees remotely, helps the patient recall the traumatic experience.

Emotion sensing software observes the wearer’s facial expressions, monitors heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate and head movement. When arousal is too high, above the patient's personal window of tolerance, the EMDR feature is triggered and a small ball starts jumping around. 

The patient must track the small ball. Eye-tracking adherence is measured and an algorithm changes the EMDR setting when adherence is too low (e.g. changes colour of the ball, speed, direction). 


A VR therapy with EMDR feature, bespoke monitoring application and bespoke algorithm


"The Psychaid platform is unique and wonderful. What it can do is mindblowing, and great advancement for the field". (Annemiek van Dijke, PhD, clinical neuro psychologist, psychotherapist & CBT supervisor at Parnassia.The platform allows therapists to provide safe therapy remotely, and personalised adaptive treatment to patients. 


Development work: Emteq Labs

Integration with technology: Emteq Labs 

Study protocol: NiceDay 

Data Collection: NiceDay

Data analysis and report: Emteq Labs

New algorithm development and smart analytics: Emteq Labs

Next steps:

Integration of outputs to NiceDay tools

Pre-clinical trial with 60 patients (April 2022)

Jan Peter Larsen, CEO of NiceDay, said: 

“Technology makes it possible to provide more personal and effective support in the recovery of people with mental health complaints. By looking at where technology can bring added value and how to best implement it at institutions, we can create real impact.”

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